Staccado was founded in 2019, but our story started long before that. Back in 2012 we were just a group of friends who shared a passion for adventure and creativity. While studying design in England, we would find any excuse to explore new destinations together and sponge up inspiration wherever we could find it. We started buying bracelets from local shops everywhere we went, to keep as mementos of our great adventures, and that's when our passion for accessories began. In time we started making our own as gifts to our friends and family, to spread the joy we all shared. Finally, in 2019 we decided to bring the same passion to the world and founded Staccado, where anyone could find wonder and show off their creative side.


Breaking the mundane, harnessing the artist within and bringing a speck of adventure to the free spirit across time, border and language. Our accessories are much more than fashion statements - they are tokens of freedom, creativity and passion.

Creativity Unleashed

Our commitment to nurturing creativity fuels our passion to continuously innovate, ensuring that each accessory we create is a wearable work of art that sparks imagination and celebrates individuality.

Soulful Craftsmanship

With every bead strung and every stitch sewn, we honor the bohemian spirit by crafting accessories that not only enhance your style but also reflect the deep connection between the artist, the materials, and the wearer.

Empowering Individuality

We empowered people to embrace their authentic style and wander through life with confidence. We're dedicated to curating a collection that speaks to the inner dreamer, wanderer, and adventurer in each of us.